Awakening Through Your Senses


The sessions are designed to relax your body with your mind. Learn how to be more present, explore your desires, build confidence, and get more energy. “All faculties — physical, mental, emotional — are stimulated as strongly as possible, then controlled, to bring ever-higher pleasure.” By paying attention to the sense of touch you could truly pause for a moment, let yourself go and regain your focus. Whether you had a busy day or just needed a boost, try one of my session, certainly it’s a way to make you feel happier, finding balance and reducing stress in your everyday life.

Don’t worry, there are always ways to reignite the passion. Low energy not only affects your sex life, but can carry over to other parts of your life, too.

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can be one of the main energy zappers. By using the hour before bed for quiet time you will probably see improvement straight away. There are numerous techniques/apps you can use, for example calm where you can find relaxing sleep stories and mediation. For me I find a bit of light exercise and stretching helps me to clear my mind and put me at ease.

Don’t be lazy. When you have no sexual energy, you need to get moving. Regular exercise is one of the best natural energy boosters. I can recommend to do some full body workout everyday. Even if its just 15-20min it will help your brain functions better, improve your sleep, renew your energy, build up muscles and finally just make you feel generally happier.


Our Promises To You And To The Environment


Connecting With Your Sexual Energy